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Earn Rs 500/- to Rs 1000/- per day by working two hours daily... Ask me how???

Earn Rs 500/- to Rs 1000/- per day by working two hours daily...
Ask me how???
(Suitable for Students, House wives, employed, unemployed and retired persons)
Nature of Work- Digital Marketing (online advertisement or promotion), One can do it offline also...
For more detail and training you have to visit our office...
Be a Customer/ Consumer/Consultant of XEL LIFE STYLE PVT. LTD. and earn money...
Contact the following number mentioned below  to fix your appointment for interview
(Hurry up Limited Vacancy)
* T & C

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Earn more than Rs 30,000/- per month- by working just two hours per day... Ask me how???

Don't miss the opportunity, Hurry Up.. Limited Vacancy...First Come, First serve...

Be a Customer/ Consumer/Consultant of XEL LIFE STYLE PVT. LTD.

& earn more than Rs30,000/- per month by working just two hours per day


Nature of work:- advertisement & promotion through  online or off-line  

(Suitable for Students, House wives, employed, unemployed and retired persons)

Qualification & experience no bar...

Contact the  below mentioned  mobile number to fix your appointment for interview

(Hurry up Limited Vacancy)